My Journey so far with Mistress Tess

My Journey so far with Mistress Tess

My newly collared sub Kinky Winky has written a post summarising his feelings on our journey so far which I thought I would blog for your enjoyment..

My Journey so far with Mistress Tess

The first thing that I noticed when I scoured Her Twitter Timeline was Mistress’ fun attitude and laugh. This plus the relationship She has with her boy’s as I was looking for something more fulfilling then to just turn up and session, connection is very important to me. A professional alpha male in my work life but a true submissive at heart I was looking for a Lady I could trust and build a bond with. Someone who could take me on a journey and to learn and know how my kinky mind and body worked.

The die was set. An email was sent January 2016, the interview passed but because of various work commitments a very long 12 week passed before I was even able to schedule an initial date in with Mistress, this didn’t go unnoticed by Her and Her predatory attitude was the first tick in the box for me. My first session with Mistress was booked in 4 months after my initial application although between booking and the D date W/we tweeted and skyped often to which Mistress only enthralled me more.

So it was a Saturday morning at The Facility in Walsall where we finally got to meet. I was very early (keen) and Mistress arrived just after I did as I was Her first session of the day. After being instructed as to protocol by Mistress’ sissy P, it was down to business. Within minutes of session commencement I knew I’d made the right decision in taking the plunge and booking a session with this Mistress and needless to say after the 90 minutes was complete I had found my Queen. It makes me smile as I write this how one very special Lady made me feel. Not weird at all but so natural and dare say normal, that My kinks were part of Me and She was here to nourish them.

Mistress’ always refers to Me as Her nosey sub as in session I love to crick My head around and watch Her movements and Her actions. Mistress captivates Me and I don’t want to miss a single moment with Her, I want to absorb all of the experience with Her to treasure in the moments W/we aren’t together.

I’d never be a fan of sensory deprivation play and taking My sight away when in session with My Mistress Tess.

W/we are now 12 months into our journey together, I session once every 3 – 4 weeks and I am still utterly devoted and completely devoted to Mistress Tess and to My surprise and complete enthralment as of last week I am now collared by this very special Lady. I can’t describe in words how much it means to Me to be collared by a Lifestyle (and utmost Professional) Mistress in this way.

If She has a kinky party or visits another city / town on tour, I do my utmost to attend or session, I would follow Her to the ends of the earth at Her command.

Close friends of mine know about my submissive side. They tease me a lot about doing the dish washing and vacuuming at Mistress’ house but for me it’s all very normal to make Her life easier and more comfortable yet they just don’t get it. For Me it’s not just about sessions but the commitment to assist and support my Mistress in any way I can but my friends just don’t get it but it’s not everyone does I suppose.

For me I have found my Queen of Kink. My Queen whom teases me and denies me. She who controls my chastity and who has me pandering to her whims. There could be other ladies, but for this submissive kinky boy there can only one lady. So there you have it Kinky Winky’s view on an amazing Dominatrix, confidant and my truly amazing Queen.

Keep Kinky Kinsters!

Mistress Tess x